Canon Compatible Refillable Cartridge set PGI 550/551
Specially constructed for use with edible inks. The cartridges have a special microfibre sponge and unique construction to give reliable and consistent feeding with edible inks. Latest auto-reset chips ensure trouble-free automatic resetting of the empty cartridges after re-filling.
Once your printer says cartridge empty, you take the cartridge out and put the same cartridge back in and the ink levels will reset to full.
These are only for use in Canon Inkjet Printers
Printer Compatability List:
IP7200, IP7240, IP7250, IP8700, IP8750, IX6800, iX6850, MG5400, MG5440, MG5450, MG5550, MG5600, MG5650, MG5655, MG6300, MG6340, MG6350, MG6400, MG6450, MG6650, MG7100, MG7140, MG7150, MG7500, MG7550, MX720, MX725, MX920, MX922, MX925
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